Friday, October 26, 2012

My Birthday!

Wednesday was my birthday and I just happen to love love love birthdays!!!! At 730 Wednesday morning I had to go have an ultrasound don of my liver, so Harmon went into work and I was home by 830. Since I didn't have to go to work I literally spent all day taking photos of my girls. Inside, outside and in different lights. I have a couple hundred photos to go through but I will post more! Wednesday evening we went out to dinner with some friends and had a great time! Today I got my birthday present from Harmon super exciting I got the book Bloom, by kelle Hampton. She has a little girl with Down syndrome and she too found out after Nella was born, I love Nellas birth story I can relate to it and I still cry everytime I read it but a good cry. I also got Mamarazzi : Every Mom's Guide to Photographing Kids. I'm super excited about it and am hoping that I will learn. I am also spending a lot of time on The Pioneer Women blog to learn about aperture, shutter speed and iso. I am getting my big camera for Christmas and am hoping I will know a little about how to use it. I'm trying to talk Harmon into getting it before Christmas so I will be able to take photos with it christmas morning.

Sarah Grace was dressed as my little thug baby in grey sweats and this super cute hat.

Hannah was my little 80s baby with her leg warmers and head band. (Weonly have two dozen pairs of leg warmers, there just too cute!!!)

And since we took a picture with Harmon with both the girls and his cake, so we had to take a pictire of me with both my girls. Hannah is fascinated and Sarh Grace is like what the heck.

I will also say that I spent the time when both girls were napping Wednesday looking at pinterest for their first birthday ideas!!! Let me tell you it is going to be a party!!!

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